Product can be taken out of the box its packaged in to result in faster chemical reaction. NOT meant to prevent chimney fires, used to treat active chimney fire. Fireplace and chimney will need cleaned out, not because of product but because buildup was bad enough to start a chimney fire. most chimney fires are quite and slow burning, you many have one and not even realize it, signs of chimney fires: Increase in fireplace draft, heart from burning creosote creates a strong draft, cracked mortar/ tiles falling across flue which creates heavy smoke back drafting, May hear loud rustling noises (but not usually), dark smoke or flames, Chimney fires can create a pathway for carbon monoxide- damage flue/chimney can lead to sparks house fires as well.
Fire Ex Chimney Fire Suppressant
- Stops Chimney Fires Quickly.
- Safe and easy to use; simply toss entire package into the firebox.
- NOT A FLARE; no pre-ignition required.
- Performance tested by Lokee Testing Laboratory using creosote-fueled chimney fires.
- No water damage.
- For wood stoves, fireplace inserts and fireplaces.
- Toss product into active fire, A white zinc/oxide cloud will suffocate the fire/flames once product begins its chemical reaction, close door.